Timo Kurvi is a certified Iyengar Yoga and AcroYoga teacher in Helsinki, Finland. Also a professional actor, singer, dancer, he is interested in exploring the relationship between body, mind and expression, in order to find where both he and his students are at their most creative, curious, and daring.
This Week (10–15.2.2025)
I am returning to teaching this week! Thanks again to all my students for supporting me during my absence. 🙂
Iyengar Yoga

We will work core muscles this week in all my of my classes. In my level 1 course we will also practice the basics of sirsasana, head stand!
All my Iyengar classes can be attended via Zoom, or you can request a Zoom recording which is available for one week after the day it was recorded.
- Level 2 Tapanilan Terveys, Monday nights. Either from 17.15–18.45 or 19.00–20.30. January 13th through June 2nd, 2025 (20 times, no class on Easter Monday April 21st)
- Level 2 Studio Yama, Tuesday nights from 16.45–18.15. January 14th through June 3rd, 2025 (20 times, (no class on the Tuesday after Easter April 22nd)
- Level 1 Studio Yama, Tuesday nights from 18.30–20.00. January 14th through June 3rd, 2025 (20 times, (no class on the Tuesday after Easter April 22nd)
Video Course

Do you want to yoga at your own time and place? Do so with my Iyengar yoga video course. All you need is a gmail email address and access to the internet. These are level 2 classes (a beginner’s course is in the works). You get ten, 90 minute classes for only 50€.
You can order the video course by sending me an email: timo@timokurviyoga.com
Here is a brief example: downward facing dog supported in a belt.
Sign Up for My Newsletter
If you want to have a timely reminder of all my classes and workshops please sign up for the Timo Kurvi Yoga newsletter. The newsletter will only be sent when I have something significant to share with you, once a month on average. You can opt out whenever you wish.