Summer Yogis in Mathildedal

21.–24.7.2024 & 25.–28.7.2024

Registration for our yoga intensive is now open! Come join us in idyllic Mathildedal for a summer retreat of yoga in good company.

Time Table

First Day (21.7. or 25.7.)

15.00–18.00 Arrival and Registeration 

18.00–20.00 Welcoming and presentation Evening yoga/meditation, Tea

Third Day (23.7 tai 27.7)

7.30–8.15 Morning yoga
8.30–9.30 Breakfast
10.00–13.00 Yoga Workshop
Lunch Break

15.30–17.30 Yoga Workshop
Group dinner, sauna

Second Day (22.7. or 26.7.)

7.30–8.15 Morning yoga
8.30–9.30 Breakfast
10.00–13.00 Yoga Workshop
Lunch Break

15.30–17.00 Yoga Workshop
Evening Break
19.30–20.30 Restorative practive,
tea, sauna

Last Day (24.7 tai 28.7)

7.30–8.15 Morning yoga
8.30–9.30 Breakfast
10.00–13.00 Yoga Workshop
Departing tea, lunch

Summer Yogis – Yoga Intensive

Matilda Talo, Tennistie 5, 25660 Mathildedal

  • Stay in an idyllic hotel where we will enjoy breakfast
  • 20 hours of yoga/lecture
  • Soup lunch
  • sauna every night
  • Bring your mat!


Course & your own room

The entire course plus a single room and breakfast:

 790 € / person

Course & roommate

The entire course plus a double room and breakfast:

 675 € / person


Just the intensive, no housing:

390 € / person

Free camping on grounds.

Bring along the family

Ask about family sized rooms (up to 4 persons)


Anneli Rautiainen

Hän aloitti joogan harrastamisen 70-luvun alussa. Hän on nykyään sertifioitu iyengarjooganopettaja (junior III) ja ollut Punessa, Intiassa opiskelemassa Iyengarin perheen ohjauksessa vuosina 2009–2018 yhteensä 6 kertaa. Anneli on käynyt iyengarjoogan 3 vuotisen terapiakoulutuksen vuosina 2012–2014. Hän on valmistunut jooganopettajaksi myös Suomen joogaopistosta. Hänen aloitteestaan Studioyamassa aloitettiin v. 2005 iyengarjooganopettajakoulutus Suomessa.

Timo Kurvi

Timo Kurvi is a certified Iyengar Yoga and AcroYoga teacher in Helsinki, Finland. Also a professional actor, singer, dancer, he is interested in exploring the relationship between body, mind and expression, in order to find where both he and his students are at their most creative, curious, and daring.